I expected to encounter different customs, cultures, language and such in a foreign country, but somehow it is the natural world around me that I find myself marvelling at. Even the worst day (which is still not bad!) can be cured by driving by a palm tree or seeing the turquoise water. It is the seemingly small things that I notice, now. I am fascinated by the plants. Did you know that avocados grow on trees--in the backyard??? We can pick papaya--or paw paw as they are called here. Bananas are ubiquitous, but good luck getting carrots. Apparently the Great Carrot Blight wiped out the crop and now it is illegal to import anything but frozen carrots. They grow them here, but when the season is over, so are the carrots. All the money I spent on tropical houseplants over the years and those very plants are quite literally weeds here. Although most of the plants and trees are not endemic to Bermuda, they certainly are pretty! There are blossoms all year round--hibiscus hedges, poinciana trees, oleander, frangipani.
Hey Bye--How much to cross de rood? |
There are no squirrels scampering across the street. There are, however, feral chickens and cats everywhere. An interesting combination. Cocks do not just crow at dawn, by the way--and they lose their charm pretty darned quickly. I am not kept awake by the screech of the crows early in the morning, but by the amazingly loud chirp of the tree frogs all freakin' night long. It sounds like 14 trucks are backing up in the bedroom--all from a frog the size of my fingernail. We don't watch the raccoons frolicking in the backyard, but we have named the lizards.
As is the way with nosy mankind, in an effort to eradicate one thing, something else was brought in and so on. So now we are surrounded by the lovely kiskadee. It is yellow, pretty and pretty loud.
There are no natural predators on the Island. Danger primarily comes from the road. So the chickens have the run of the place, the lizards continue to stick their tongues out at everyone, the frogs simply mock us all night long. Even in the sea inside the reef you will not encounter sharks and the like. I have seen barracuda occasionally but they are much maligned.

Around March, however, resembling for all the world like blue condoms floating on top of the water, the Portuguese Man O' War litter the beaches. Of course, no self-respecting Bermudian would be swimming at that time of year anyway. Like the proverbial iceberg, there is much to worry about beneath the surface. Not actually a jellyfish, these things pack enough venom to actually kill someone, although that is rare. It is more likely that for a brief period of time, a victim simply wishes she were dead. But sometimes in the middle of Summer, when our defences are down and we bob along in water that is the same warm temperature as the air, and the winds have been steadily from the West, sometimes we find ourselves hunted by the dreaded Portuguese Man O' War.

Rather than choosing a Cruise Ship tourist, (he doesn't want to hurt an already lagging tourist industry) who would appreciate having a great adventure story to relate in a bar somewhere in New Jersey.
"Fuggedaboudit. I'm tellin' youse it was in the wahtah and it was ginahwmous. I thought I was bein' moidered, I tell ya!" Instead he lays in wait for the unsuspecting resident snorkeller, one with only 2 weeks left in Bermuda before returning home to Canada and who has not had a trip to the hospital in several months. Although it is worthy of note that the tourists did generously offer to pee on me. I declined. It turns out there is a specific treatment protocol that does not involve urinating on people, although it would seem that I did not follow that protocol and somehow manged to encourage millions of nematocysts left by the tentacles to fire into me all at once and to keep firing toxin for several hours. So for the first little while, it is excruciating, burning pain. And then the itching begins. You would think that something that looks so much like a condom should offer a little protection from things that cause itching.
As you can see from the title, I was inspired by a lovely evening watching the Bermuda Music and Drama Society's production of
Much Ado About Nothing (shameless plug)
last night through a haze of painkillers. I'm sure that there are those who thought it might be about jellyfish stings, until they saw my arm. Perhaps I should have entitled this
"To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub." Methinks Hamlet must have encountered a Portuguese Man O' War. Now I long for the sweet lullaby of tree frogs or the gentle air conditioner to lull me to sleep, because there are not enough drugs, steroids, or ice to STOP THIS ITCHING!!!!!!